Winner of the Flat Darts Case Competition - 7th June 2013
The winning entry was from Cael Daniel Howells who said:
"John Terry” cos they always end up in the wrong bed
Congratulations Cael, if you could contact us with your full address and postcode, we^ll arrange to get your darts case posted straight out to you
The other shortlisted answers that got really close to winning and deserve a special mention were:
Liam Herridge: Tung Stan – the Chinese maestro
Matt Davidson: Infinity – my talent on the oche is endless
Stuart Maundrell: Shoplifter - coz I never go near to the checkout
Wayne Skinner: Doleites (dole ites) cos they don’t work
Billy Morris: The piranha – I digest the opposition
Andrew Taylor: Liverpool – because I used to be a lot better than I am now