There isn’t much more satisfying than hitting a 180, except hitting another one immediately after!!
So the question is should we practice hitting 180’s or perfect scores?
The short answer to this is an absolute NO, If you don’t happen to be MvG or Phil Taylor.
Instead you should work on two-hits-per-area- per throw. That’s much easier and still as effective – the frustration factor doesn’t occur anywhere near as often when thinking about hitting maximums, which can be next to impossible for the majority of players.
The Palace of Champions is full of one kind of player, those who can get to a finish and then finish it.
Simple as that. So scoring as heavily as you can to set up a finish is essential.
Imagine that you’re hitting continually say 140, 125, 140, 137, 140, which would beat 180, 180, 100, 100, 100!
Of course this is for the more advanced players, but anyone who wants to improve should work on these 2 from 3 trebles for the whole practice session.
So for example you could go the doubles around the board 2/3 or the trebles 2/3.
It is doable and very effective practice, but how do we improve our game to be successful at this practice.
To be honest it’s not that not easy.
This is a delicate issue, but please don’t jump on us yet. Cheating in practice is good to give a little bit of handicap help to the players who aren’t yet top class. And it’s good for your mind.
Even as die hard believers in using pressure as a tool when practicing, cheating gives a little trim to your game and it helps balance your practice. After all we all have our bad days in the office, right?
How to cheat then?
Simple: You can use four, five or even six darts to hit the 2 trebles – were hoping that you as a contemporary player has got two sets exactly the same.
Of course if you have been playing a while you shouldn’t need to use any extra darts…
This weeks practice: DUAL TREBLE HOP
LEVEL: All level of players – just use extra darts if needed
AIM: Progress your power scoring with this Hit & Run –game.
EASE: Very very easy no marking required.
AIM: Hit two different trebles in the same go to advance to the next number
HOW: Your goal is to get through all the way from treble 1 to treble 20.
“Burn Dart” –rule: If you hit your target with your last dart and next throws FIRST DART also hits, you’re done with this target.
Enjoy your practice!
Mikko Laiho, DartsGym
Leave feedback on Twitter @reddragondarts @dartsgym
Keep an eye out for next week’s article “15 minute killer practice routine”