Dart Promotions Presents
The Cotgrave Darts Open
"At The Cotgrave Welfare Social Scheme"
Woodview, Cotgrave,
Nottinghamshire NG12.3PJ
Saturday 7th August 2010
Winner £500
Runner-up £200
Losing Semi Finalist £100 each
Losing Quarter Finalist £25 each
Format - Best of 7 Legs on the floor, Best of 9 legs Semi-Finals,
Final Best of 11 legs - 501 straight start
Entry Fee - £8 per player pre register - £10 on the Day
Further Details or Entries to Dennis Stokes
E-mail – Mobile 07825228953
Registration Doors open 10-00am,
Registration until Midday, 12-30 start
************************************ Darts Promotions
sponsored by "THIS IS DARTS.CO.UK"
Presents the Newark Darts Open
To be Held at
The Newark W.M.C., Hatton House,
13, Beacon Hill Road,Newark, Nottinghamshire NG24.1NT
Saturday 31st July 2010
Winner £500
Runner-up £200
Losing Semi Finalist £100 each
Losing Quarter Finalist £25 each
Format - Best of 7 Legs on the floor, Best of 9 legs Semi-Finals,
Final Best of 11 legs - 501 straight start
Entry Fee - £8 per player pre register - £10 on the Day
Further Details or Entries to Dennis Stokes
E-mail:- – Mobile 07825228953
Registration - Doors open 10-00am,
Registration until Midday, 12-30 start
why not join in with the new double16 fantasy league!! It will be great fun
How to join the fantasy league...
1] logo onto:
2] look on right side, underneath the part where you can log in with user
name. Click on ^Sign Up^
3] fill in details (remember username/password!) complete registration.
4] Agree to terms & conditions
5] choose your strip
6] select your team and enter it.
7] go to ^Fantasy menu^ on the left. Click on ^Leagues^
8] copy and paste the League code below into the ^Join private league^ box
League code: 378913-96306
Welcome to the league! I would add this new web page to your
1st week is 14th August. Make sure your teams are in by then.
Let^s Play Knockout Darts have kindly chucked in £100 into the kitty!!
Any other generous firm out there wanting to contribute?
To qualify for any pay out, you must be a registered member
Why not install the double16 toolbar? No adverts, no spam, no catches -
just a ticker tape display of the next months knockouts as entered on the
Double16 event calendar! You dont have to be signed in to double16 - you
just get the to see the knockouts....
Last of all, a big thankyou from me.
With your support and help, double16 has now become one of the most well
known and well used darts resources on the net.
Our event calendar is widely used, the forum itself grows all the time with
membership currently standing at more than 2400 real members.
We have a reputation for being the serious darts website with members that
can actually play the game.
Our video reviews are used by dart players, manufacturers and retailers all
over the world and they in turn spread the word of double16.
Pop over to the site and see what the latest news is.