12 Week Pro Darts Practice Program
Click here for the Product page.[/caption] Could you practice like a Pro? Peter Wrights year-on-year rising 6 year average has seen him catapulted to No.3 in the world, and is testament to the sheer level of hard work and talent that Peter applies to his game. Whilst we may not all possess Peter's talent we can improve in the time we have to practice, and really start to enjoy playing some seriously good darts in a relatively small space of time. The results of people who have used our exclusive 12 week practice program are pretty impressive. Running over two years the "Practice like a Pro -12 weeks darts program" has over 1000 customers so we've gathered loads of data and feedback. The Pro's improvements that have taken the course are absolutely fantastic: The average development is just a tad under 20%, 19.7% to be exact - that's a figure any statistician would be absolutely "over the moon" with. If we translate that to Pro players 501 games where a player averages around 90, that would mean achieving a 108 average after just 12 weeks! However, where we are interpreting data around mere mortals who score nearer to a 60 average, this 20% increase added to your scores gives you an average of 72, so bad at all, when you consider in football terms you'd move from the fourth division to second! So what are the problems with the 12 week program you ask? Well that’s simple. Commitment. Most darts players are not committed enough to complete the whole 12 weeks, so by the time they should be sitting the final test they have regressed back to their old routines and games. The feed-back from players who have completed the course has been absolutely fantastic - they were shocked by how little they knew about proper darts practice. So the 12 week program leaves players in a position where they can use the games for the rest of their life, amending them when they advance. Good luck and we hope you enjoy your new darts game.